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For the month ended: September 22, 2004
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September 22, 2004 | By: /s/ Kam Shah | |
Date | Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer |
page 1
Toronto, September 21, 2004 -- Bontan Diamond Corporation ("BDC"), a wholly owned subsidiary of Bontan Corporation Inc. ("BCI") [OTCBB: BNTNF], is pleased to announce that it has secured an agreement to mine for diamonds on two claim areas, totalling 1,593 hectares, situated on the left bank of the lower Rio Abaeté in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, through its wholly owned Brazilian subsidiary, Astrogemas Mineracão Ltda ("AML").
The acquisition of the Rio Abaeté alluvial diamond project is particularly gratifying to BDC, as it represents an excellent replacement of the abandoned 50:50 joint venture on the Rio Paranaiba in the same famous diamond field of western Minas Gerais.
Sinval is the owner of Fazenda Grotao, a farm property almost entirely covered by the two claim areas. Immediately on signing of the agreement, BDC has become eligible to receive a royalty of 5% of gross revenues from diamond sales realized from within the boundaries of Fazenda Grotao and a 2.5% royalty from diamond sales realized from within the two claim areas, but outside of Fazenda Grotao. Presently, high quality diamonds are being recovered by some 40 freelance garimpeiros who pay royalties to Sinval on all stones that they produce from within his claim areas. Additionally, Sinval is stockpiling about 25,000 cubic metres of gravel on his fazenda and is installing a small washing plant to treat the gravels in the summer rainy season, thus BDC will receive a 5% royalty on any diamonds recovered from the stockpile.
Upon receipt of the environmental permit, expected within 6 to 8 weeks, BDC will construct its own gravel washing plant with an initial daily throughput capacity of approximately 80 cubic metres per day. The plant and ancillary camp facilities have already been purchased by AML and are on standby. Production from the plant will be subject to a 5% royalty on gross proceeds, payable to Sinval.
Recently, Rio Abaeté has received very considerable acclaim on the world diamond scene due to the recovery of several spectacular, large, pink and ruby-red fancy diamonds. Historically, the gravels of this river had only been worked by the most basic of hand methods (essentially stacks of sieves used in much the same way as a gold pan), but by 1970 government reports had recorded 7 gem diamonds of between 140 carats and 354 carats. Within the last 3-4 years, the river gravels have produced over 200 white gems ranging between 3 to 100 carats, but it is the +8 high quality pink gems, ranging between 7 and 81 carats and 2 ruby-red gems of 14 and 28 carats that have really caused the excitement. Whereas, two years ago there were about 30 suction dredges operating along the length of Rio Abaeté, there are now in excess of 150 scouring the active gravels of the riverbed.
The Chief Geologist of BDC, Mr. Francis Guardia commented, "Apart from trial mining believed to have been initiated recently on Brazilian Diamonds' extensive holdings, way downstream from BDC's new acquisition, the BDC operation will be the first large-scale production from Rio Abaeté's terrace flats."
Bontan Corporation Inc. (OTCBB: BNTNF) is an international diversified natural resource company that operates and invests in major exploration prospects. Bontan is currently active in oil exploration in Papua New Guinea through its wholly-owned subsidiary Bontan Oil & Gas Corporation and in diamond exploration in Brazil through its wholly-owned subsidiary Bontan Diamond Corporation.
Through its wholly owned subsidiaries, Bontan seeks highly visible opportunities in countries around the globe with a history of natural resource production that offer exciting and attractive propositions. The company will seek to minimize risk by bringing in either joint venture, carried or working interest partners, depending on the size and scale of the project.
For further information, please contact Kam Shah, CEO and CFO, at 416-860-0175. Visit www.bontancorporation.com for more information.
For Media Relations, contact Rob Kennedy at Current Capital Corp. at 416-860-0211 or visit www.currentcapital.com.
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